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17 December 2016

The Presenter Checklist
If you haven't bookmarked, add it to the top of your to-do list today. It's stuffed with blog posts from people in the radio industry, job advertisements, useful links and quick fire checklists like this one. Presenters (who take self-improvement seriously) should keep the following guidelines at the forefront of their minds always. Presenters care about what your listeners care about. When shifting through content in pre-show preparation pose the first three questions to the content you're planning to double check if what you're planning is relevant and on-target.

The remaining seven points are entirely focused on presenter performance in front of the mic. When you're on air do not pose these questions to your presenter. You'll rattle their confidence, distract them and ultimately damage the quality of the show, not improve it. Your presenter is performing in that moment and your job is to support them. Coaching is to be done away from the studio, over a cup of coffee.

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About the producer
I'm Lisa Twohig and I want to rid the student radio community of career anxiety. You can follow me as I examine the industry of producers and ask your questions for you.